Download Z/ipstream x/2 - radio streamer
WiFi and Internet connections are available everywhere these days — and so is streaming audio. Already, many are using their smartphone as a 21st-century transistor radio. Soon, the connected car will make it easier than ever to listen to high-quality streamed audio on the move. These are big changes in listening habits, but don’t worry: Z/IPStream X/2 is here to help.
Z/IPStream X/2 is the third-generation streaming software from the Telos Alliance®; a new combined audio processing/streaming platform designed for broadcasters who understand that streaming audio quality and reliability are just as important as terrestrial transmission. Z/IPStream X/2 gives you the power to fine-tune your streams for clear, clean, audio output — no matter the bitrate, codec, or delivery platform.
Z/IPStream X/2 stands above the rest with Adaptive Streaming technology. With Adaptive Streaming, the connection between streaming server and listener is automatically managed, dynamically adjusting bitrate and audio quality to maintain a solid connection with the best possible audio — regardless of Wi-Fi limitations or Internet behavior. Z/IPStream X/2 supports generating multiple streams to a server simultaneously using different codecs and bitrates to support these adaptive streaming applications.
- Genuine, high-quality audio codecs from Fraunhofer IIS (the inventors of MP3), including MP3, AAC-LC, HE-AAC v1, HE-AAC v2, and xHE-AAC
- Simultaneous MP3/AAC/aacPlus encoding, compatible with Shoutcast, Icecast, Wowza, and RTMP servers
- xHE-AAC works well at low bitrates and therefore has more encoding power. Whereas, other codecs like AAC and MP3 sound much better for music than they do for speech, xHE-AAC sounds great for both speech and music, even at the lowest bitrates
- Processes and encodes streaming audio for multiple platforms and bitrates simultaneously
- Includes 3-band processing from Omnia Audio
- Need even more processing power? Upgrade to Z/IPStream 9X/2, with up to seven bands of multiband AGC and limiting plus Undo technology that can restore poorly mastered audio to clarity and brilliance
- Sophisticated software routines enable you to handle streaming complications such as programming blackouts, metadata insertion, variable listener environments, and more
- Flexible audio routing accepts input from sound cards, RTP and Livewire AoIP connections
- Unprecedented level of control: Use the built-in HTML5 web interface, or fine-tune even further using the REST API
- Cloud-Ready: Z/IPStream X/2 may be hosted and run using your cloud-based server
- Built-in SNMP and email notification of system events
- Supports Kantar Watermarking
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