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[!] Add-ons: Newsletters: The list of subscribers in the admin panel did not show the mailing lists that customers were subscribed to. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Vendor Privileges: Message center: If vendors did not have access to communication with customers, they also did not have access to communication with marketplace administration. Fixed.
CS-Cart 4.13.2 released with bug fixes and usability improvements.
Added switching between showcases on the pages of payment and delivery methods.
Fixed collection of statistics on purchases in one click.
Fixed a bug in notifications to sellers. Added a module for generating documents to PDF and more.
[!] Add-ons: Product variations: Product bundles: Product code wasn’t shown on the product list in the admin panel. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Stripe payments: When paying with Google Pay, an order was not placed. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons: Warehouses: If you deleted the quantity of a product from all warehouses, then it was shown incorrectly on the product list page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Commerce Platform: It was not possible to place an order if surcharge was specified for the payment method or a gift certificate was applied. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Become a vendor: Language variable for email notification template was missing. Fixed.
[!] Multi-vendor Plus: Add-ons: Common products for vendors: If vendors was linked to the storefront, the common products were not shown on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Add-ons: RMA: Vendor plans: Commissions by category: Payouts were calculated incorrectly in some cases. Fixed.
New functionality and improvements
[+] Modules: Payments via Pay360: Added payment method.
[+] Checkout: Delivery: Pickup points: Improved search for pickup points.
[+] Notifications: Added a link to the detailed page of the module required to install the dependent module.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Showcases: Delivery methods: Added switching between showcases.
[+] Multi-Vendor: Showcases: Payment methods: Added switching between showcases.
Changes to existing functionality
[*] Mobile application: Added translations.
[*] Mobile application: iOS: Now the start screen adjusts to the size of the device.
[*] Modules: Mobile application: iOS: Updated the dimensions of the start screen images.
[*] Checkout: The “Region” field on the checkout page becomes optional if the selected country does not have the specified regions.
[*] Performance: JS: ce.commoninit events have been optimized.
[*] Products: Product characteristics: Product filters: Product options: Product characteristics groups: Added blocking of selection of common elements, unavailable for editing, to the context menu.
[*] Core: Print PDF documents moved to a separate module.
Bug fixes
[!] Showcases: User groups: The table with user groups was displayed incorrectly in the customer's profile. There was also a bug in the mobile app. Fixed.
[!] Showcases: Settings: Companies: Incorrect data was displayed in the company settings after deleting an additional showcase. Fixed.
[!] Design: Responsive: Tabs: When changing the screen orientation, many tabs on one page were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Design: Cache: Browsers could load old style file after clearing cache. Fixed.
[!] Orders: If there were no orders, the guest was shown an empty list. Fixed.
[!] Context menu: There was a typo in the template for the context menu in the default hook name. Fixed.
[!] Settings wizard: Settings values were not saved. Fixed.
[!] Mobile application: The choice of variations via the Select box on Android did not work. Fixed.
[!] Modules: ATOL Online: When generating checks, the same type of payment was indicated. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Return of goods: In some cases, information about the order after recalculation was returned to the state before recalculation. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Cities: The buyer could not change his city on the profile edit page. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Sitemap for Yandex and Google: The link to the storefront in the generated sitemap was incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Sitemap for Yandex and Google: Links to localized versions of pages were added to the sitemap in an incorrect format or were not added at all. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Maps and geolocation: Digital goods: On the page of a digital item that does not require shipping, a shipping cost block was displayed. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Shops and pick-up points: Sorting pick-up points by position did not work on the cart and checkout pages. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Mobile application: There was no border color setting for product options. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Settings: After saving the module settings, redirection to the first tab took place. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Callback: If the Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons were not displayed, the Buy in One Click button was not displayed. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Product reviews: In the notification to the administrator, there was an incorrect link to confirm a new review. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Product Reviews: The options selected on the product detail page in the storefront were displayed in the product reviews. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Extended import of goods: PHP Notice appeared when creating a preset for importing goods. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Mailings: A new customer could be automatically added to the list of subscribers. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Warehouses [Beta]: The cache of the product filter block is formed incorrectly depending on the location of the buyer. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Message Center: After adding an item to the cart, the size and content of the window for customer questions were changed. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Export to Yandex.Market: In some cases, when an item was excluded from the price list, unnecessary records were added to the database. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Yandex.Delivery: When calculating the cost of delivery, the order amount was not taken into account. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Yandex.Metrica: Callback: Clicking the “Request a callback” button increased the counter of the “One-click purchase (clicking the“ One-click buy ”button)” goal. Fixed.
[!] Modules: CommerceML: The imported characteristics might not be unloaded during export. Fixed.
[!] Modules: CommerceML: Mapping of existing feature variants in the old CommerceML module might not work correctly and update other variants. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Google ReCAPTCHA: There was no recaptcha for the stock notification subscription form. Fixed.
[!] Modules: SEO: Storefront URL generated from another storefront was incorrect when the "Show additional languages in URL" option was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Modules: SEO: The “Brand” field in the product microdata was not determined by search engines. Fixed.
[!] Modules: SMS notifications: There was no FROM setting required for the module to work correctly. Fixed.
[!] Modules: Unisender: Unable to place an order if there was no connection to the Unisender server. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: The delivery time specified for the rate zone was not displayed on the checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: When there was no scrolling in the list of pick-up points, the selected item was moved up in the list. Fixed.
[!] Checkout: Languages: After switching the language, the description of the delivery method on the checkout page did not change. Fixed.
[!] Administrator panel: Administrator menu: The bottom panel overlapped some of the elements. Fixed.
[!] Profile fields: A PHP warning appeared due to the missing index on the profile fields page. Fixed.
[!] Privileges: Orders: Description of the “Create order” privilege was incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Delivery methods: When adding weight dependencies, the "per kg" option was applied to all options. Fixed.
[!] Delivery methods: The cost of packaging changed when adding a free product to the package. Fixed.
[!] Payment methods: Redsys: The order amount might have been sent incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Products: When passing an incorrect sorting parameter, a PHP error appeared. Fixed.
[!] Products: Filters: Filters were not displayed on the product search page. Fixed.
[!] Products: Product characteristics: After editing characteristics settings, in some cases, an incorrect value was exported. Fixed.
[!] Notifications: The order manager might not receive email notifications. Fixed.
[!] Characteristics: Color: The Color and Variant cells overlapped each other. Fixed.
[!] Templates: There was invalid layout on the reviews page. Fixed.
[!] Export / Import: Import of csv-files saved in UTF8 encoding from BOM did not work. Fixed.
[!] Export / Import: Wholesale discounts: Import of wholesale discounts did not work for marketplace administrators. Fixed.
[!] Core: AJAX: AJAX requests did not work on some web server configurations. Fixed.
[!] Kernel: Backup and restore: An incorrect backup was created if there were views among the tables. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Showcases: It was possible to delete the showcase on which the object was placed. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Showcases: In some cases, the link to the storefront located at the bottom in the admin menu led to another storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: User groups: Privileges: Administrator with accounting management rights could not make payment to the seller. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Import of products: If the category name in the imported file was not in the language of the admin panel, in some cases this product was not imported. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Vendor Location [Beta]: Vendor card block could not be placed on the page multiple times. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Location of vendors [Beta]: After resetting the address in the vendor search bar, the list with prompts did not work on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Vendor Locations [Beta]: The Location field was not cleared. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Common products for sellers: Product variations: When creating a variation group for products that can be sold, products on sale were not combined into variation groups. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Common goods for sellers: An error could occur when previewing common goods if the showcase was available only for some sellers. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Payment from sellers to administrator: Notifications for sellers: When a user-seller group was assigned as a recipient of order notifications, a payment notification was sent to all sellers in the group. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Advanced product import: The value of the “Image separator” field could not be changed for import presets using an XML file. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Extended import of goods: The order of the preset fields could be different for the administrator and the seller. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Tariff plans for sellers: If the seller was created with the module turned off, then after turning it on, an error might appear on the seller's detailed page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Message Center: There was a PHP TypeError when sending a message from a seller to an administrator. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Modules: Message Center: Messages from the seller were not sent to the buyer. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Bottom panel: Vendor panel: The vendor could not switch back to the vendor panel from the storefront if the domains of the storefront and the vendor panel were different. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: WYSIWYG: The lists in the “Vendor Information” block were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Notifications: Sellers: Notifications to the seller about changing his status and adding the seller's administrator to the user group (or removing it from it) contained the logos and information of this seller instead of the marketplace data. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor: Export / Import: When importing vendor logos, the value of the “Directory with images” field was not taken into account. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Modules: Maps and Geolocation: Direct payment to sellers: On the product detail page, the shipping promotion was applied to the seller's products without the promotion. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Modules: Paying directly to sellers: The “Continue shopping” button on the cart page always led to the home page. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Modules: Sellers' privileges: If the status was “View only” for payment methods, the seller had access to an inactive button for creating a payment method. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor Plus: Modules: Sellers' privileges: If the status was "View only" for delivery methods, the seller and the administrator did not have access to test delivery calculations. Fixed.
[!] UI / UX: The link protocol in the message about disabled cookies was incorrect. Fixed.