Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
Download Porto v6.1.0 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
Version 6.1.0 (May 19th.2021)
+ Added: Business consulting 3 demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Auto Services Elementor demo
+ Added: Startup Agency Elementor demo
+ Added: Law firm 2 Elementor demo
+ Added: Shop 3 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 14 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 34 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 35 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 38 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 40 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 22 WCFM Vendors version
+ Added: Porto Studio compatibility with Gutengerg editor
+ Added: templates builder elemnts for Gutenberg editor (Header builder, Footer builder, Product builder, Shop builder and Popup builder)
+ Added: popup builder to template builders
+ Added: Admin tools to clear transient, compile css and reset used block information throughout the site
+ Added: Demo uninstall functionality in setup wizard
+ Added: a functionality to preload fonts in speed optimize wizard
+ Added: compatibility with WCFM Vendors (Shop demo 22)
+ Added: compatibility with WPForms Lite plugin (Shop demo 1)
+ Added: sales notification functionality
+ Added: shape divider for section elements (Restaurant demo)
+ Added: svg floating element (Startup Agency Elementor demo)
+ Added: Elementor One Layer Banner widget using Column element
+ Added: Visual Composer social icons element
+ Added: Visual Composer circular bar element
+ Added: Visual Composer fancy text element
+ Added: Visual Composer page header elements
+ Added: Gutenberg products widget element
+ Added: Gutenberg hotspot element
+ Added: Gutenberg sidebar menu element
+ Added: Gutenberg recent portfolios element
+ Added: Gutenberg members element
+ Added: Gutenberg recent members
+ Added: lens effect on single product image for all product types including "Extended", "Full Width", "Grid", "Sticky" and "Sticky Left & Right"
+ Added: "back to templates list" link into templates builder's frontend editor for Elementor and Visual Composer
+ Added: animation fields for Porto Info Box elements
+ Added: width and height attribute to author image in testimonial element
+ Added: KenBurns, Snow and Sparkle effects for banner elements (Law firm 2, Shop 3, Shop 4, Shop 34 and Shop 38)
+ Added: a functionality to set dropdown menu for account item in header
+ Added: icon hover effects to info box and button elements
+ Added: hover effects to banner elements
+ Added: several theme options to change form style and sidebar style
+ Added: ajax selectbox2 for some Elementor element controls
+ Added: wire frames in header builder
+ Added: product video thumbnail
+ Added: product compare functionality using YITH WooCommerce Compare plugin
+ Added: an option to enable or disable sticky sidebar in single product builder
+ Added: an option to display only pre-order products in products element
+ Added: an option to make a row or section to sticky header in header builder
+ Added: an option to change search popup's position in header builder
+ Added: an option to change editor's preview width in WPBakery frontend editor and Elementor editor
+ Added: a function to close Off canvas popups using ESC key
+ Added: style options for Visual Composer shop builder's products element
+ Added: tyewriter effects for heading and ultimate heading elements (Construction and Restaurant)
+ Added: detailed description for all elements
- Updated: Elementor pro compatibility
- Updated: php 8 compatibility
- Updated: Construction demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
- Updated: Restaurant demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
- Updated: Resume demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
- Updated: Porto WPBakery elements' control types using Toggle, Typography, Buttongroup, Dimension, Responsive and Multiselect controls
- Updated: elements page of products, banner, shape divider, header and footer builders
- Updated: all Gutenberg elements (options, controls and editor view)
- Updated: documentation
- Updated: WordPress deprecated functions used in the theme
- Updated: uploaded porto functionality plugin to the api server from the theme
- Updated: uploaded demo images to the api server from the theme
- Updated: Scrollspy using IntersectionObserver
- Updated: style of changelog page
- Updated: demo importer to be worked well when importing several times
- Updated: all Elementor demo's additional css for users to customize layout easily
- Fixed: Elementor blocks not displaying well in gutenberg/tinymce/archive pages
- Fixed: Elementor column carousel style issue when updating options in editor
- Fixed: dynamic style loading issue on selective refresh in customize panel of WP 5.6
- Fixed: Footer Ribbon text and tooltip option not working in footer builder
- Fixed: rtl issues on offcanvas minicart
- Fixed: porto image frame element's width and height attribute issue
- Fixed: intro slider's svg shape divider not showing after import cleaning services elementor demo
- Fixed: elementor accordion element not working well in editor
- Fixed: quickview for product variation in wishlist page
- Fixed: add to cart not working on quickview for variable product in wishlist page
- Fixed: Google structured data not working well in single product page when using single product builder
- Fixed: off canvas mini cart not working on mobile when using desktop header and mobile header separately
- Fixed: some style issues of App Landing Elementor demo after import
- Fixed: term meta not imported after import demo contents
- Fixed: wrong wishlist icon position on single product page for some product layouts
- Fixed: wrong item count issue in carousel element if no responsive options exists
- Fixed: page header element in a block not working in archive pages
- Fixed: lazyload issue of product hover image
- Fixed: compatibility issues in single product page with skeleton screens and marketplace plugins such as Dokan Lite and WCFM Vendors
- Fixed: some custom taxonomy meta not adding when importing demos
- Fixed: loading overlay issue on Firefox and Edge
Download Porto v6.0.6 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
Version 6.0.6 (Mar 04th.2021)
- Updated: WPBakery Page builder plugin to 6.6.0 ( Fixed compatibility issues )
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to 6.4.2
- Fixed: Visual Composer 35 compatibility issues
- Fixed: "Show All" not working in Porto products element when using "Sort by" or "Categories filter" option
Download Porto v6.0.5 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
Version 6.0.5 (Feb 06th.2021)
+ Added: lens effect on product images for all single product layouts such as Extended, Full Width, Grid, Sticky Info, Transparent Images, etc
+ Added: edit link of builder templates in frontend for admin users
- Fixed: Visual Composer 33.0 compatibility issues
- Fixed: selective refersh not working well sometimes in customize panel
- Fixed: minor js issue in variable product page
- Fixed: banner slider height issue in shop 18 demo on mobile
- Fixed: Visual Composer Google Map element not working
- Fixed: css3 animation effect not working after importing demo for Visual Composer demos
- Fixed: iframe tag not working in the custom tab content of single product page
Download Porto v6.0.4 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled
V6.0.4 (1.29.2021)
- Fixed: issue with templates builder type not displaying for old blocks and custom product layouts
- Fixed: issue with category field not displaying for custom post types in Gutenberg editor
- Fixed: wrong product columns in shop pages of shop 35 demo when deleting some products
- Fixed: minor php warning in inc/functions/general.php
- Fixed: post format not displaying in "modern" blog page type
- Fixed: a rtl issue at the breadcrumbs section in checkout and cart pages
- Fixed: register action not working in the login popup when using old form login template
- Fixed: iframe not working in custom tab content of single product page
- Fixed: Elementor shop 25 demo not importing
Download Porto v6.0.2 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
Version 6.0.2 (Jan 13th.2020)
- Updated: support lens effect on product images for "Extended" and "Full Width" single product type
- Fixed: two php 8 errors
- Fixed: cart link not working in add to cart notification style 1
- Fixed: a translation issue in cart page version 2
Download Porto v6.0.1 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled
Version 6.0.1 (Jan 07th.2020)
+ Added: Porto settings options to Visual Composer Settings panel in frontend editor
+ Added: automatically convert old blocks to Porto -> Templates Builder -> Blocks
- Updated: language files
Download Porto v6.0 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
Version 6.0 (Jan 06th.2021)
+ Added: New Feature - Visual Composer Support
+ Added: Porto Templates Builder( Header, Footer, Block, Shop and Product ) using page builders including WPBakery Page builder, Elementor and Visual Composer
+ Added: Porto Templates Builder display condition
+ Added: Shop 37 demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Medical Shop demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Wine Shop demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Grocery 2 Shop demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Grocery 3 Shop demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
+ Added: Shop 42 demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Auto Services Business demo (WPBakery)
+ Added: Cleaning Services Business demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
+ Added: Industry Factory Business demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Startup Agency Business demo (WPBakery)
+ Added: Architecture 2 Business demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
+ Added: Law Firm 2 Business demo (WPBakery)
+ Added: Classic Original Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 1 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 2 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 3 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 4 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 5 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 6 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 7 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 8 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 9 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 10 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 11 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 14 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 22 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 25 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 26 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 34 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 35 (Grocery 1) Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Shop 36 Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Construction Visual Composer demo
+ Added: Hotspot element to display spots and product, block or html on hover them
+ Added: new add to cart popup style
+ Added: Porto Builder templates to Porto Studio
+ Added: Off Canvas minicart popup style
+ Added: Off Canvas products filter style
+ Added: a "Breadcrumbs Position" theme option under Porto -> Theme Options -> Breadcrumbs to place breadcrumbs below header or at the top of main content
+ Added: a function to compile dynamic css after related plugins have been activated or deactivated
+ Added: a "modern" post type option for WPBakery blog posts element
+ Added: an option for WPBakery Inner Row element to add container in it
+ Added: an option to filter only on-sale products to Porto products elements
- Updated: documentation
- Updated: Optimized Visual Composer editor
- Updated: Customizer panel design
- Updated: Search functionality in Theme Options panel
- Updated: products element by adding attribute selector
- Updated: Porto Studio blocks by adding new blocks for Porto Builder templates and new demos
- Updated: increased score in Google Page Speed
- Updated: theme options by adding more description
- Updated: Speed Optimize wizard by adding more options in "Other Minify" section
- Updated: Minicart arrow shape using after pseudo attribute of icon
- Fixed: product image wasn't displayed sometimes in single product page when skeleton was enabled
- Fixed: 'woocommerce_account_menu_items' filter wasn't working
- Fixed: plugin install didn't work well sometimes in setup wizard
- Fixed: sticky sidebar flash issue when using skeleton screens
- Fixed: scrolling to top issue on fancybox quickview whenever updating variation in shop page
- Fixed: style map field not working in Porto Elementor Google map widget
Download Porto v5.5.5 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
Version 5.5.5 (Dec 31th.2020)
- Fixed: jQuery 3.5 compatibility issues
- Fixed: page wrapper background issue when using footer reveal effect
- Fixed: right sidebar not displaying well when using off cavans filter on shop pages
- Fixed: products column issue when adding Porto product element on shop pages
- Fixed: style issue in Theme Options panel when using other admin scheme
Download Porto v5.5.4 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
Version 5.5.4 (Dec 25th.2020)
- Changelog
- Fixed: Elementor demo not importing with Elementor 3.0.15
- Fixed: scrolling to top issue on fancybox quickview whenever updating variation in shop pages on mobile