# v.4.1 30 Jun 2022 #
ADDED report user system + reason.
ADDED ban message on user profile if user is banned.
ADDED Instagram Mode.
ADDED flutterwave payment method.
ADDED Ngenius payment method.
ADDED Aamarpay payment method.
ADDED the ability to add custom pro packages.
ADDED the ability to add custom withdrawal method.
ADDED the abiltiy to choose whom can use a feature, Admin, All Users, Only Pro.
ADDED the ability to resend two auth verfication code.
ADDED new design for Instegram mode.
ADDED developer mode to admin panel.
UPDATED documentation & FAQs:
https://docs.wowonder.com/ .
UPDATED email verfication page design.
UPDATED chat design.
UPDATED all website shadow elements (css).
UPDATED header notifications, messages dropdown size.
UPDATED post comments design.
IMPROVED design in default theme for few sections.
FIXED qrcode.js was missing in sunshine.
FIXED search in admin panel was not working well.
FIXED login using twitter.
FIXED admin commission was not appearing with product purchase.
FIXED OG meta tags for albums.
FIXED XSS vulnerability.
FIXED fixed product showing in stock while there is no stock left.
FIXED announcements wern't working.
FIXED agora live video / calls.
FIXED google login API.
FIXED twilio video/audio calls.
FIXED if post was boosted on a page it doesn't appear in booted posts section.
FIXED the ability to send gif & stickers on nodejs.
FIXED 40+ more minor bugs.
FIXED bugs in API.