Download Mageworx Option Inventory [M2] v.2.7.0
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If you sell lots of custom made products and actively use Magento Custom Option functionality, you know that keeping track of custom options inventory is a HUGE challenge.
The default Magento offers quite a limited set of tools to manage inventory for custom options. Also, the platform doesn’t provide enough control and monitoring features for this purpose.
Being unable to effectively manage your custom options inventory, you may put yourself and your customers in trouble: people might end up purchasing a product with a size/ color/ print, etc. which is not be available in your warehouse, or order the amount of items you won’t be able to provide them with.
Options Inventory Report
In case you migrate inventories of your custom options, this report will let you:
- see the remaining stock values of the custom options,
- find out what options are out of stock in your warehouses,
- find out what options are not being sold well.
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