Download X-Streamity - Official Release - Xtream Codes IPTV Player v4.86
X-Streamity should be compatible with all images and boxes.
If any of your providers urls start with https:// you will need the hack to view EPG for these providers.
Later OE-Alliance builds have this https amend already so the hack isn't required for and recent and updated oe-alliance images.
Using the hack for http:// is not required but can still be added if desired.
Copy the file over to
and restart your gui.
XStreamity is available in lots of image feeds under plugins / download plugins / extensions. The 100% latest version can always be found on post 1 of this thread. Feeds are sometimes a little behind.
How to manually install .ipk on OE-Alliance images via telnet
To manually install, copy ipk to tmp folder
then telnet/ putty
opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
How to manually install .deb on DreamOS via telnet
To manually install, copy ipk to tmp folder
then telnet/ putty
dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb
apt-get update
apt-get install -f
press Y key to finish installation when asked
In the majority of cases the plugin will automatically install all the required dependencies required for xstreamity.
Rarely this fails and the user will need to ensure all dependencies are installed currently via telnet/putty
If you are getting repeated dependencies console screen. Try these commands
Python 2
opkg install python-requests
opkg install python-multiprocessing
opkg install python-image
opkg install python-imaging
opkg install wget Full wget is required for https lines and used by the download manager.
python 3
opkg install python3-requests
opkg install python3-pillow
opkg install wget Full wget is required for https lines and used by the download manager.
apt-get -y install python-requests
apt-get -y install python-image
apt-get -y install python-imaging
apt-get -y install wget Full wget is required for https lines and used by the download manager.
apt-get -y install python3-requests
apt-get -y install python3-multiprocessing