Download XCplugin and TMDb + IMDb
Added 2 methods to get a complete epg
1.TMDb Plugin
Install TMDb movie database internet
Version in use TMDb version 0.7-r1" (enigma2-plugin-extensions-tmdb_0.7-r2_all)
Now if you press EPG button on the xcplugin you always open TMDb (if the TMDb plugin is installed obviously) otherwise it will work as always
(Optional Language)
Open with notepad++ file in folder /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/tmdb
replace this line
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection(default="de", choices = ["de", "en"])
with this
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection(default="it", choices = ["de", "en", "it", "fr", "ru", "bg", "po", "lv", "da", "nl", "fi", "el", "he", "hu", "no", "pt", "ro", "sk", "sl", "es", "swe", "tr", "uk", "cz"])
add other language if you want
save and reboot gui
2 IMDb Plugin (thank's aime_jeux)
You can also install IMDb
if you press EPG button on the xcplugin you always open IMDb (if the IMDb plugin is installed obviously) otherwise it will work as always
Added 2 methods to get a complete epg
1 TMDb Plugin method
Install TMDb Internet movie database
Version in use TMDb version 0.7-r1 "enigma2-plugin-extensions-tmdb_0.7-r2_all"
To install
Now if you press the EPG button on xcplugin, always open TMDb (if the TMDb plugin is obviously installed) otherwise it will work as always
( language optional )
Open with the notepad ++ file in the / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugin / Estensions / tmdb folder
replace this line
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection (default = "de", choices = ["de", "en"])
with this
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection (default = "de", choices = ["de", "en", "it", "fr"])
add another language if you want
save and restart gui
2 IMDb method ( thanks aime_jeux )
You can also install IMDb
if you press the EPG button on the xcplugin, always open IMDb (if the IMDb plugin is obviously installed) otherwise it will work as always
Install plugin XCplugin 5.2 and overwrite the folder attached to ---> / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugin / Estensions /
tmdb ipk -> with all language (to folder / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugin / Estensions // tmdb)
Dependence - python-requests
opkg install python-html
opkg install python-image
opkg install python-imaging
opkg install python-argparse
opkg install python-shell
opkg install python-html
opkg install python-subprocess
opkg install python-xml
opkg install python-twisted-web
opkg install python-unixadmin
opkg install python-misc
opkg install python-lxml
1.TMDb Plugin
Install TMDb movie database internet
Version in use TMDb version 0.7-r1" (enigma2-plugin-extensions-tmdb_0.7-r2_all)
Now if you press EPG button on the xcplugin you always open TMDb (if the TMDb plugin is installed obviously) otherwise it will work as always
(Optional Language)
Open with notepad++ file in folder /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/tmdb
replace this line
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection(default="de", choices = ["de", "en"])
with this
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection(default="it", choices = ["de", "en", "it", "fr", "ru", "bg", "po", "lv", "da", "nl", "fi", "el", "he", "hu", "no", "pt", "ro", "sk", "sl", "es", "swe", "tr", "uk", "cz"])
add other language if you want
save and reboot gui
2 IMDb Plugin (thank's aime_jeux)
You can also install IMDb
if you press EPG button on the xcplugin you always open IMDb (if the IMDb plugin is installed obviously) otherwise it will work as always
Added 2 methods to get a complete epg
1 TMDb Plugin method
Install TMDb Internet movie database
Version in use TMDb version 0.7-r1 "enigma2-plugin-extensions-tmdb_0.7-r2_all"
To install
Now if you press the EPG button on xcplugin, always open TMDb (if the TMDb plugin is obviously installed) otherwise it will work as always
( language optional )
Open with the notepad ++ file in the / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugin / Estensions / tmdb folder
replace this line
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection (default = "de", choices = ["de", "en"])
with this
config.plugins.tmdb.lang = ConfigSelection (default = "de", choices = ["de", "en", "it", "fr"])
add another language if you want
save and restart gui
2 IMDb method ( thanks aime_jeux )
You can also install IMDb
if you press the EPG button on the xcplugin, always open IMDb (if the IMDb plugin is obviously installed) otherwise it will work as always
Install plugin XCplugin 5.2 and overwrite the folder attached to ---> / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugin / Estensions /
tmdb ipk ->
You need to be registered to see the hidden links with all language (to folder / usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugin / Estensions // tmdb)
Dependence - python-requests
opkg install python-html
opkg install python-image
opkg install python-imaging
opkg install python-argparse
opkg install python-shell
opkg install python-html
opkg install python-subprocess
opkg install python-xml
opkg install python-twisted-web
opkg install python-unixadmin
opkg install python-misc
opkg install python-lxml