Download YouTube-Plugin-by-Taapat
enigma2 plugin extensions youtube h1 git687 2f6ae29 r0 all (*.ipk) - 09.02.2021 -YouTubeVideoUrl: remove unused import for test -ci.yml use always() to publish release if tests skipped. I think this will allow release even if the test doesn't pass, which shouldn't happen. Need more testing and possibly extra workaround for this bug. Also add a repo check so not to publish releases on forks. -ci.yml: remove event name check in deloy - Now not used pull request for jobs -YouTubeVideoUrl: remove unused randint import -Use tests according to changes in the code - If only the python code has been changed then perform python tests, if language files have been changed then on test compile only language files -Run GitHub Actions jobs only on push - On pull request also is created commit push -Fix forgotten comma in previous commit -Add DASH mp4 video and audio in tests
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